In the most recent Gin Experience Class, we started our exploration with a blind tasting of four London Dry Gins. I was expecting them to be all generally the same. But, surprise, surprise! The class by a wide margin selected Beefeater as its favorite of the four in terms of aroma, texture and mouthfeel. We went on to compare Beefeater to some craft distilled “contemporary Gins” and found that Beefeater stood out in a positive way. I for one am now set to re-visit the entire subject area of British Gins. My prevailing attitude towards British Gins has been changed by this Beefeater experience. Next time you are at your favorite watering hole, ask for a sample of Beefeater and a sample of one other London Dry Gin. Eyeball the level of the liquid in the respective glasses and add half again as much water to each to effectively reduce the % alcohol to 30% in each of your samples. Assess the aroma, mouthfeel and finish of Beefeater and you will see what I am talking about.