For those not familiar with this expression, it alludes to taking a day off work when it snows outside. Instead of going to work, you instead spend the day doing something you really enjoy, like skiing perhaps.
This colloquial expression has now been twisted around and applied to the name of a craft distilled Gin – Sno Day Gin.
This creation is the hard work of Alberta entrepreneur Dr. Brett Shonekess who was kind enough to send me a “wee” bottle of his Gin for evaluation (what??? … no 750 ml bottles available to send??) . I first met Brett in 2017 when he took one of the 6 day Distillery Workshops in Kelowna, BC.
But here is where the story takes an interesting twist. Dr. Shonekess understands the dynamic of the craft industry. He realizes that when you build a craft distillery you are creating a brand and an experience. And these items require investment capital if they are to be done right.
Along with the Gin I received in the mail was enclosed an Offering Memorandum. Dr. Shonekess and partners are in the midst of raising up to $5 million to fund the creation of two craft distilleries on the outskirts of Calgary, Alberta. And from what I gleaned from the Memorandum, things are well on their way. Land has been bought and building designs are complete. But, what’s more – the team has had the brilliant foresight to engage a BC based distillery to craft some Gin (Sno Day Gin). Now this is not just another storied attempt at a capital raise. Potential investors can now have a sneak peek at what the product will taste like before they put their money on the table.
And to that point, last evening my wife and I sampled Sno Day Gin. On the nose, you are immediately hit with Juniper which is followed by a blast of Citrus. The Gin has body, texture and mouthfeel. This is not your typical London Dry style of Gin. This is Gin with personality and character. This is Gin that rightfully and righteously belongs in a martini glass. Mixed drinks need not apply for this job! You will understand then why I have had to hide the bottle at the back of my liquor cabinet. It is just that damn good….that it will not last very long around my house if left out in the open. Full disclosure – I even had a wee nip this morning after breakfast before I sat down to write this blog post.
If you have ever thought about owning a portion of a craft distillery in Alberta, I would suggest that you at least have a talk with the team behind Sno Day Gin. They can be reached at (Five Eight Seven) 997-9391. Or email John <at> twopineventures<dot>com for more details. Shares are offered at $2.50 each and the minimum investment is $5000.