15 Year Old Whisky – 50% off sale!
How’s that for a screaming headline? I recently went to a small private liquor store in Regina, Sask where I live. As a matter of habit I breezed through the Whisky aisle to see what was exciting. A stopped dead in my tracks when I spotted Wiser’s 15 Year Old Whisky priced at $46. I am accustomed to paying in excess of $100 per bottle for something from Scotland that sports a similar age statement. I am accustomed to paying way more than $46 for something from Kentucky that is half this age. I very reluctantly purchased the bottle, all the while thinking that this price point for a 15 year old product made no sense at all. Once home I poured a generous 2 finger dram and proceeded to add drops of water to open it up. I can assure you I added no more than 1 ml of water before the aromas coming from my tasting glass were heavenly. This is NOT a $46 product. This should be a $100+ product. True – it is blended and not a single malt, but the depth, mouthfeel and complexity of this Whisky places it right up there with many of the single malts I enjoy. A tip of the hat goes to Dr. Livermore and his team at Wiser’s. I returned to the liquor store on the week-end and walked off with 3 more bottles, laughing all the way home at what I told the store sales associate was her 50%-off Wiser’s deal. Get yourself a bottle(s) of this precious nectar before Wiser’s boosts the price upwards. And maybe that is the game plan. Wiser’s has not carved out its reputation in Canada as a maker of 15 year old Whisky. Its reputation rests on lower price point 3 year old Canadian Whisky. Maybe the $46 price is designed to move customers upscale without inducing price sticker shock. I am not going to wait to find out. I plan to return yet again to this liquor store and stock up on several more bottles. And maybe while I am there, I might get some Wiser’s 18 year old which was priced at a ridiculous $72. Cheers!!