Back in March at one of my 5 day Distilling Workshops, I introduced the class to Sauvage Gin from Cirka Distilling in Montreal. I actually bought the bottle at a private liquor store in Calgary (Craft Cellars – 32 Ave NE).
Look up the word “sauvage” and you will find that its meaning extends to connotations of wild, untamed and forest. Definitely an appropriate name for a Gin. The response from the class was one of muted enthusiasm. They felt is was good but not bursting with flavor.
One of my favorite food themes to cook is Indian curry. Not all curry is hot and spicy. There are various aromatic dishes that can be found in Indian cookbooks. One dish that I do often is curry fish. The emphasis in this dish is on fresh ground coriander, cumin, ginger, garlic, tamarind, coconut and a small bit of chili pepper. The net result is a flavorful, aromatic presentation.
I have taken to drinking Gin martinis with aromatic type Indian dishes. Last evening I did the fish dish again served with a dry Gin martini made from Cirka Gin. Wow!!! This Gin is a sleeper! When the martini hit my taste buds that were saturated with the flavors from the fish dish, the Gin came alive! Flavors of juniper, coriander, and angelica exploded on my palate. So much so that I quickly poured myself another martini.
If aromatic Indian type dishes are something you fancy, and if you like dry Gin martinis….I urge you to find a bottle of Cirka Gin. To the team at Cirka Distilling – this is a well done Gin. Congratulations on a stellar product.
I am not sure if this bottle of Gin will ever see my next Workshop. I fear that the bottle will be emptied quite soon…..